I created this post box design on photoshop. To get to this point, I decided to draw out some piece's on my iPad (see prior posts) of what I could doodle on the post box design and then recreated them on photoshop using the technique of selecting the outline and filling the empty space within it to create the legs.
The legs symbolise how we used to have an out door swimming pool in worksop, at the canch. I decided to represent it through showing legs diving into the pool which isn't visible on the post box (because it isnt visible to use anymore, neither.) The flower leaves below are to simply represent the amount of beautiful nature and flowers we're surrounded by, by living in Worksop. The leaves at the bottom have a similar concept due to them being liquorish leaves and previously in Worksop, we were notorious for our Liquorish. The leaves above the legs, however, are lime tree leaves. We have the longest lime tree avenue in Europe, which is something evidently rare and something to be proud of. The Lime Tree Avenue is based in Clumber Park (another place in Worksop that people from all over the country come too, due to it's beautiful nature, historical value and for how asethetically pleasing it is there.) The centre of the image is a set of liquorish plants due to our history (as previously stated) with liquorish. The lid of the post box has two hands crossing over flowers to represent our unconditional passion for nature within the area.
I have a person love for everything repreated (symmetry) lately, therefore I decided to create a unique pattern by that.
I like the design because I stuck with a similar ideal as Aubrey with her black and white, in-perfect imagery. I tried to show my influence from her by using a black and white overall finish. I think I did that uniquely and well. |
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