Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Chair Progression

I have begun illustrating with paint on top of the chair. I am using acrylic paint to paint my illustrative leaves on the chair and i'm maintaining the innaccuracy because I don't want to lose the natural flow of things - so thing's may be off centre. I love the way the above leaves have turned out - The light hits them in a way and I have tried to capture that. I am using a dip of yellow and then dipping the brush into the blue so it leaves a yellow splodge and mixing it on the actual leaf. I like the colour it's going.
This is my Metatrone's cube that I've created! I didn't use a ruler, I mearly even measured it! I only used a natural flowing measuring system of drawing quick lines to make sure they almost measure up for subtle accuracy. This is drawn on tracing paper. The tracing paper allows us to see the layers created by the lines and circles and it's a nice touch. I was contemplating making it a layer piece so I could lift the top layer and see beneith but I don't think I'm going to do that, now.
This is when I was practicing my leaves! I tried to see the actual leaves I was doing (see sketchbook post for leaf reference) and I decided on the middle one. I didn't capture the same painting technique on this because I didn't discover it until already painting on the chair! 
This is the back of the chair at the moment. I am painting certain sections at a time because I want to be able to move the chair to paint different parts without smudging. The technique goes - yellow, blue, yellow, white - just so I can catch the light on the leaf and make it looked like a finished, asethetic leaf! I made sure the leaves were all flowy and not just blocks because I thought it would look better and I was right.

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