Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Neon Sign Experiment

This is a common Las Vegas Sign. I like the idea of having a neon sign that would grab people's attention about the art department. I decided to use a similar format by using a general neon word generator and super imposing it onto a photo of the mount. I like that the Las Vegas sign is very bright and if I was to do something similar to this for example; passes by in their cars would immidately see it as they pass by.  
This is it super imposed within the photo. It doesn't look overly good because it's only a quick super imposition onto the photo for it to be an example of where it could be situated; but the idea would be good. However, it would be very expensive to buy and for it to be constantly lit and that's something that places such as Las Vegas don't have to worry about since they're mega multi billionaires and we're run by like just over min wage workers and I highly doubt that the government would fund such a huge project.

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