Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Shindoku Useless Objects

This first one is a toilet roll head hat. It's designed for those who are sick! If you struggle with problem anymore because you have this crazy head hat. But, you may look pretty silly walking down the street, so I would advice sticking to the pocket tissues if you're not up for the stares! A flaw would be definitely not being able to see, purely because the toilet tissue would definitely go over the eyes if you haven't sorted out the whole "rip at the top" situation! I guess that'd be pretty wasteful too...
Umberellas for your feet...need I say any more?
This is pretty ingenious if you ask me! If you needed to carry all your bits and bobs everywhere in a giant bag, that problem would instantly be solves! The back has lots of pockets to store all that you need. I guess if you had a lot it would get pretty irritatingly heavy, but that's a minor flaw because I'm pretty sure it's heavy and annoying carrying a bag for all of 4 small items and what-not.
If you get sleepy on the train or bus, you don't really have a problem anymore with the head plunger. I do, however, personally think you look a bit silly! However, if you're ok with that and get super sleepy, it doesn't really matter. It's large and would be hard to just slip into a bag, I also don't know what the front panel says so if you're using that in China, it could turn out to be "stupidly sleepy idiot" or something more offensive and you'd not know why the entire train is laughing at you! - but anyway, a major flaw is getting off the window. I can't see it being the easiest to pull off the window and if you have to get off really quick, you're in a bit of a cafuffle and would probably have to try 4 stops prior to getting off...
I call this the "hair fish". It reminds me of those fish that have that clown-like rim around their necks, but more to the point; this is pretty good to use. I know first hand that its so easy to swing your hair into your tea, so this would be pretty good for those with long lush locks. The problem is, you look pretty silly and hopefully it isn't a 'one size fits all' because that would be problematic for those with either really big or really small heads.
Well, pretty self explanatory! The chin holder. Sometimes, your head gets heavy and you're tired of standing on your own, so Shindogu created this neck holder to prevent people getting neck pain...But large to be carrying around, though.
Here's the most ingenious of them all! The air clothing car horse! You may lose your pants on the motor way though. 
I see more flaws than positives in this one. Yes, you can have identical lips on a daily basis; but if you're not into cartoon lips or you don't want identical lips to those around you because everyone else is using it, your have a bit of a problem. These cartoon-inspired lips don't look the greatest, but I guess it's each to their own.
GENUIOUS! Glasses with eye drop funnels on, because now you don't have any problem aiming for your eye directly...A problem, however, would be that you may still blink but I guess Shindogu can't do everything for you.

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