Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Packaging that didn't work

This was a simple template that I found on the internet and slightly tweaked to be my own. It really didn't work! The over-all format was not at all what I imagined. The box didn't stay closed; the peak of the roof didn't especially look like a roof at all! To conclude, this template is definitely not one to use because it isn't very sturdy and doesn't have a lot of room either.

The above and below designs - They did work! The over-all structure was very easy to cooperate with. However, the design isn't very strong. The side of the house folds out and would probably be held together with string and a button or some kind of clasp. But the base of the template would have to be a lot bigger to fit a mug in and the design would probably disproportionate. There, I am considering using elements of this design but changing some things to hopefully make it more sturdy and stay together better whilst fitting in the main products.


This version would be ideal if you wanted something more simplistic and still keeping it slightly exciting. I could always potentially create this still into a house! Even though it isn't the idealistic house shape, I think it could quite easily passable as a house format.
Moving away from the house design, this design is simply exciting and very cute. It would definitely be something to try out because it is a professional looking design. But I don't think it would be a packaging design that would make somebody decide they want to actually re-use and save, purely because it's more of a transporting 'keep safe' design for the actual product.
This is very like the mcdonalds box. This box design is something relatively 'housing' formed; again easily manipulated to look like a house. The shape is a rectangular base with sloping sides and easily fastenable! Considering the design of the above particular design, I think people would enjoy to actually keep the box and would probably be a box you throw everything in to, to make your room a little more presentable.

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