Wednesday, 9 March 2016

DIC Final - Photo's Only Before Wood Kid

Early morning wandering to college with my camera. I captured the  sun beaming through the trees on the wander. It was a very pleasant morning, everything very still. I captured the car moving slowly on their way to their next destination and the trees very still. The light reflects from the floor which over-all makes the composition even more pleasant.

This is an image of the trees in Sherwood pines. The pictures highly saturated and the light hits the trees - making them bright and colourful. It would be ideal on it's side to make it different from the other imagery created. I like the brightness and I think the brightness of the sky makes the tree's somewhat shadow focused - the light also hits certain sides of the trees making them the highlighted, focal point.

This is a very shadowed piece of photography in sherwood pines. Despite the slightly blurred overall look, the crisped points are all where the light has hit and left the part shadowed. I thought this would be a good piece to over lap the woodkid photo on where he's sat on the log because that would somewhat match up with the tree's in general creating a more 'real' feel to the imagery. 

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