The Pale Fox
The pale fox is an installation by Henrot who decided to throw items, paintings, photos; all together. These items are combination of random things, primarily due to this instance she is trying to provoke. The idea behind this work is that we try to make sense of the work through object - items that legitimately hold no meaning.
"The title of Henrot’s exhibition is taken from an anthropological study of the West African Dogon people published by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen in 1965. Dogon mythology is thought to incorporate the belief systems of several different cultures, as well as astronomical, mathematical and philosophical systems of thought. Within this meta-narrative, the character of the ‘Pale Fox’ represents disorder and chaos but also creation, bringing about the formation of the sun. "
Hanged Man
"his collage works as a kind of exegetic reminder, a buried link to the film Coupé/ Décalé. The 1952 naturist review Vivre plus is one of the artist's prized possessions among her widely varied collection of objects found on the internet. This purchase, as well as the double-page spread presentation, adds a certain complexity to the film's upside-down men. The naked lady's ecstatic expression with arms raised, similar to the male character at the film's end, and the caption that suggests transmitting well-being to children through physical activity, appear out of sync with the Hanged Man tarot card, which represents sacrifice and failure, though the figure's smile is a contradictory sign. Once ideals have been attained, the demonstration of courage is interpreted as a success that takes us back to that of the mystic capable of asceticism, of abandon, of jumping into the void in order to trace a line between heaven and earth." |
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