Monday, 18 April 2016

Second FMP with Davelaaaaar

FMP Plans - Davelaaaaar's lesson (feeding into Jon's too!)
I am basing my FMP on illustration and potentially photography combined, too. I enjoy a lot of different illustrative artists and I am a big fan of photography, too! I intend on filling a sketchbook with many, many idea developments - trying out many different designs. I could do with potentially doing a little bit of doodling on my iPad, too because thats something I really enjoy doing. I intend on sitting around, doodling my way through and trying out many different ways of illustrating with materials for Daves because that's how I work best; lots of research and lots of doodles. 

1. Explore subjects and concepts on specific theme
2. Be able to gather research material for fine art
3. Experiment with methods and materials to generate ideas
4. Know how to develop and present ideas for fine art work

I could potentially doodle on top of photographs that I take - I could scan in or draw digitally on them too. I could do with picking an over-all theme for my illustrations and stick to a style I feel comfortable with because then I will work better and find the over-all project mega chill and pleasant.
I need to get over a Pass because when I don't, I lose motivation and feel incredibly sad. So it's definitely time to pull my finger out.

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